NB: Introducing Classes


Classes are a way organizing code into bundles of variables and functions called attributes and methods.

Each class models some thing — a thing in the world, a process, a model, or just some convenient way of grouping code.

For example, a logistic regression model would have attributes like:

  • weights
  • an optional intercept term
  • the maximum number of iterations

These attributes help describe the object; they give the object’s state.

The logistic regression model would have functionality such as:

  • the optimization routine used in training
  • a prediction function

The behavior, or functionality, is supported by methods, which are functions included in the class.

Here are a couple of others way to think of a class:

  • It provides a template for creating an object and for working with the object.
  • It constitutes a kind of definition of something in the world.

A First Example

Ok, let’s look at examples, starting with a very small, simple class.
The class contains:

  • a name Ferrari458
  • a docstring for a quick description
  • an attribute, which is number of cylinders in the engine
  • a method
class Ferrari458:
    """This is a Ferrari 458 object"""
    cylinders = 8

    def print_origin(self):
        return 'I was built in Italy!'

You can learn about the class by printing the docstring:

'This is a Ferrari 458 object'

You can also get detailed help like this:

Help on class Ferrari458 in module __main__:

class Ferrari458(builtins.object)
 |  This is a Ferrari 458 object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  print_origin(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  cylinders = 8

Next, we create an object from the class (also called an instance of the class).

It is called like a function with no parameters.

The process is called instantiation.

myferrari = Ferrari458()

We show the number of cylinders by using the object.attribute format:


Then we call its method .print_origin() to learn where this sweet machine was built.

'I was built in Italy!'

As a convention, methods take self as their first argument. Methods can use self.attribute to extract their attributes.
Here is an example, with method get_cylinders.

class Ferrari458_v2:
    """This is a Ferrari 458 object"""
    cylinders = 8

    def print_origin(self):
        return 'I was built in Italy!'

    def get_cylinders(self):
        return self.cylinders
myferrari = Ferrari458_v2()

The .__init__() method

There is a special function called __init__ that will initialize the state of objects for you when you create them.

Use it to supply more context-dependent information about your instance.

Let’s look at another version of the class with init.

class Ferrari458_v3:
    """this is a Ferrari 458 object"""
    cylinders = 8
    def __init__(self, color):
        self.color = color

    def print_origin(self):
        return 'I was built in Italy!'

    def get_color(self):
        return self.color

By adding the __init__ function, we can create objects if we pass the number of cylinders.

If we don’t pass this parameter, there will be an error.

This is because we did not define a default value for the color argument in our initialization method.

ferr1 = Ferrari458_v3()
TypeError: Ferrari458_v3.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'color'

This works:

ferr1 = Ferrari458_v3("red")

We can access the initialized attribute using the dot operator, just as if it were declared at the top of the class:


Or we can call the accessor method that we created.


Note that even though we initialized the car object with “red”, we can always change it:

ferr1.color = "Cobalt"

The Meaning of self

Note the presence of an argument and variable called self in the method definitions. - This stands for the intantiated object itself.

So, when you create an object like so:

foo = Foo()
  • foo is represented in the class definition as self.

If you want your method to access the other attributes and methods in an object, you need to put self as its first argument. - Note that when you use the method with an instance, you don’t pass the object name as an argument - The object name is passed implicitly by Python, since it knows which object called the methid

You can use any valid name you want for the name of the object itself, but the convention is to use self.

Note that self is only used within the methods of a class, not outside of it. - Like functions, they don’t know what’s outside of them, nor does the containing code know what’s inside of them. - The self variable is the mechanism that allows methods to share data without having to pass and return a bunch of variables.

Think of self as a data structure that stores the program itself - In this sense, it’s similar to recursion: A class definition contains a reference to itself! - But remember, the class definition is not a thing – it’s a template. - self is just a pronoun that allows an instance to access it’s own state.


An cobject is a self-contained bundle of methods and attributes. * Methods are basically functions. * Attributes are basically variables.

A class definition is a template for creating objects. * Objects are class instances. * Classes are onbject types.

Objects have their own scope, like functions. * They are meant to exchange information with their environment only through accessing attributes and calling methods

When objects are first created, they often expect to have data passed to them. * This is called initializing the object. * These data are handled internally by the .__init__() method. * Data that are passed this way can be overridden by accessing the attributes they assigned to.

The methods of a class begin with self as the first argument. * This stands for the instance itself. * All methods and attributes are avaible to all other methods in the object through the self object.

If a method does not have self as its first argument, it cannot access the internal state or methods of the object. * The internal state is just the attributes and their current values. * These are called static methods. * Static methods are useful in providing functions to the environment in which their containing object is instantiated.

There is a lot more to the subject, but this is good enough to get started!