Project Management

Some basic facts

Project management is an established field that is used for many activities.

Broadly speaking, it refers to:

Think NASA’s space program in the 1960s.

Its history dates to the early 20th century but becomes highly developed in the 1950s and 60s.


Software is also mission critical

In the 1960s, the US Department of Defenses study of software problems found that:

Because of this, software engineering was developed.

But Software development is hard for many reasons:

Underspecified in two senses:

The slipperiness of writing code that achieves our goals is the subject of humor:


Many paradigms of the software development life cycle (SDLC) have been introduced over the years to address these issues:

The Waterfall Model

Waterfall Methodology


What they all have in is a faith in the power of planning and engineering to achieve results:

These assumptions are reflected in the relationship between client and developer

This is partly the result of mitigating the mission creep introduced by the client.

The Iron Triangle

The Iron Triangle concept shows the effect of changing user requirements on a project.

If users want to add something to a project — a new feature, for example — this means that scope has increased.

Therefore, either tine or resources must expand as well to allow for the change.

The Spiral Method

The Spiral Method recognizes the need to be more iterative, and introduces the client at points in an ongoing cycle


The methods have the virtue of being rational and comprehensive, defining all the things involved in software development

Even the Spiral method, which is really a 2D linear process, where phases are features and iterations are observations:

Primary sequence S = OI → AE → PD → NPP
Process P = S1 → S2 → S3 → … → SN