M09 Modules
DS 5100: Programming for Data Science
Video Gallery
M01 Getting Started
About Rivanna
Using Unix
SSH for GitHub
Git and GitHub
M02 Introducing Python
Data and Code
Python Object Types
NB: Data Types, Operators, and Expressions
NB: Numbers
NB: Booleans
NB: Strings
NB: Data Structures
NB: Aside On Immutables
M03 Control Structures
Values, Variables, Expressions, and Statements
NB: Control Structures
NB: Iterables and Iterators
NB: Comprehensions
NB: Nested Comprehensions
M04 Functions
NB: Introduction to Functions
NB: Importing Functions
NB: Lambda Functions
NB: Recursion
NB: Scope
NB: Function Groups
M05 NumPy
NB: Python Timing
NB: Basic File I/O
NB: Introducing NumPy
NB: NumPy Indexing
NB: NumPy Operations
NB: NumPy Functions
M06 Pandas
NB: Introducting Pandas
NB: Exploring Pandas
NB: Deeper Into Pandas
NB: Narrow vs Wide Tables
NB: Method Chaining
NB: Pandas and SQL
M07 Classes
What is OOP?
NB: Introducing Classes
NB: From Functions to Classes
NB: More About Classes
NB: Understanding Class Attributes
NB: Putting Your Class in a File
M08 Testing
Testing and Verification
NB: Exception Handling
NB: Unit Testing with Unittest
M09 Modules
NB: Modules and Packages
NB: Namespaces and Paths
NB: User-Created Packages
M10 Basic R
NB: Introducing R
NB: R Data Types and Operators
NB: R Data Structures
NB: R Data Frames
NB: R Control Structures
NB: R Functions
M11 Dplyr
NB: The Tidyverse and Tibbles
NB: Dplyr
M12 Visualization
GGPlot and the Grammar of Graphics
NB: Getting Started with GGPlot2
NB R Markdown
NB: Plotly and GGPlotly
NB: GGPlot in Python with Plotnine
M13 Agile
Project Management
Agile Development
User Stories
Activity: Using Rivanna
Activity: Using Git and GitHub
Activity: Hello, World!
Activity: Jupyter Lab
Setting Up O’Reilly
Table of contents
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M09 Modules
How Python organizes code into modules, packages, and libraries
How to write your own modules
How to package and share your modules
Lutz 2017, Part V. Modules and Packages → Up to Ch. 24.
Python Package Tutorial
Namespaces and Scope in Python (Real Python)
for a good primer.
Packaging Projects (Python Docs)
Python Packaging User Guide (Python Packaging Authority)
NB: Unit Testing with Unittest
NB: Modules and Packages